Alameda Corridor Landscape Maintenance
For recent, timely updates about the landscaping happening around the corridor please check out our Alameda Connects Facebook page for more details.
The Lakewood Reinvestment Authority and City of Lakewood completed the Alameda Streetscape Project in 2020 in consultation with the Alameda Corridor Business Improvement District (ACBID). This project, begun in 2018, was designed to improve the Alameda main street corridor, to promote property beautification, and to enhance the environment for corridor businesses to thrive. The project included widening portions of Alameda Avenue, adding 10-foot sidewalks, (including Teller Street), landscaped medians and place-making elements, installing trees and shrubs, and aesthetic features such as flagstone walls.
ACBID, as manager of portions of the Alameda Streetscape Project landscaping, strives to sustainably maintain the streetscape. ACBID employs a contractor, LMI Landscapes, to perform landscape maintenance and upkeep. LMI is onsite on the corridor one full day each week and as needed for irrigation system repairs, snow removal, and special projects.
The residents of Lakewood are encouraged to report problems or issues with Alameda Corridor landscaping. Suggestions are also welcome. Please review the map and see the links at the bottom of the page to report concerns.
A Pollinator Friendly Corridor!
Alameda landscaping was designed to be pollinator friendly. Pollinator attracting plants included are Catmint, Mexican Red Yucca, and two varieties of Spirea. On summer days, bees and butterflies can be seen on the plants throughout the corridor.
Property Owner Maintenance Responsibility
To maintain the consistent appearance of the landscaping on the corridor, property owners are asked NOT to mow the grasses, trim, remove, or replace plants or trees in the landscaped areas. LMI landscapes is responsible for maintenance and any problems will be addressed with them.
Property owners are asked to keep the area looking good with regular trash pickup in front of their businesses.
Native Grass Areas Management
Some parts of the landscaping on the Alameda Corridor are managed as native grass areas. These unirrigated areas are identified on the attached map. As part of the Alameda Streetscape Project, they were planted with a native grass seed mix in 2019-2020. The intention was to create the appearance and feel of a native grass prairie similar to Colorado’s high plains. Low water use native grasses planted include Blue Grama (Colorado’s official state grass), Little Bluestem, and Mexican Feathergrass. Native grass areas take time to establish and reach the desired appearance.
Wildflowers – The native grass mix also included wildflowers. During the spring and summer look for wildflowers such as Blue or Prairie Flax, Prairie Sunflowers, and Purple Coneflower.
Mowing and Weeding of Native Grasses – Under the landscaping specifications, the first mowing takes place in the spring after seed set and the second in the late summer. The grasses are ordinarily maintained at a desired height of 6”-8” but this is determined by rainfall. Some grasses intended to be taller like Little Bluestem are allowed to grow until annual cutbacks are needed.
An established stand of native grass that remains through the winter is the desired appearance for the corridor. Native grass areas are over-seeded with new grass seed at least once during the growing season. This may be done more often as needed in some areas.
Weeds are managed by identifying and spot spraying. These areas are hand-weeded, and spot sprayed regularly during the growing season. Post emergent herbicides are applied only as necessary to treat already germinated weeds in accordance with the manufacturer’s written recommendations. Use of systemic pesticides, such as neonicotinoids, is not allowed anywhere in the areas maintained by ACBID.
Updates and Information
During the growing season ACBID and Alameda Connects will post regular landscaping updates on their Facebook pages. Creation of a signage program is planned to provide more information to the public on landscaping, including the native grass areas.
For a list of the plants, bushes, and trees planted as part of the Alameda Streetscape Project download the pdf here.
For detailed information on maintenance specifications download the pdf here.
Next Steps:
• For ACBID areas identified in Yellow click here to file a complaint.
• For areas identified in Blue click here to file a complaint.
• For areas identified in Green click here to file a complaint.
• For areas identified in Orange – These areas are privately owned and maintained. For issues/complaints regarding the area in Orange, click here to file a complaint.
• Report a shopping cart, click here to file a complaint.
• Trash pick up at a bus shelter, email or call Dan Starzy, Vice President with Outdoor Promotions at 303.431.8300 or
#210 B
(303) 274-1807