Alameda Connects would like to recognize resident member Jerry Halsor.
In 2017, Jerry was recognized by Denver Channel 7 as a 7Everyday Hero for his efforts in the rehabilitation of our local veterans. Jerry volunteered to teach a sculpture class for veterans at the V.A.’s Valor Point in Lakewood. Opened in 2013, Valor Point supports veterans who are trying to transition towards independent living. Part of Valor’s rehabilitation program includes a special sculpting class taught by Halsor. Jerry, a veteran himself, served in the U.S. Air Force in the 1950’s and later pursed his passion as a professional sculptor. He teaches this course to veterans at Valor to hopefully bring them into a different mental setting that will help provide some positive therapeutic benefits.
We would like to thank Jerry for his continue support of our local veterans and his commitment to the community, right here in the Heart of Lakewood.
Click on the videos below to see some of Jerry’s own sculpting creations and some of the sculptures created by the veterans at Valor Point.
Click here some of the unique sculptures created by Veterans in Jerry M. Halsor’s course at the V.A.’s Valor Point Domiciliary in Lakewood, CO.
Click here to watch a quick video on some of Jerry’s work.
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